Хорошо подходит для создания статического разрушения.
Так же можно создать текстовый документ вставить этот скрипт и задать расширение .ms и скрипт готов!
-- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-- * FRACTURE VORONOI - v1.1 - april 2009 - 3ds max 9 *
-- * *
-- * Divides an object in parts (Voronoi cells). *
-- * - several iterations; *
-- * - original UVs are preserved and 'projected' onto *
-- * the new faces; *
-- * - simple planar mapping is applied to a new channel *
-- * and consistent throughout the new parts; *
-- * - new material ID is applied to the new faces; *
-- * - can keep intermediate generations; *
-- * - can build hierarchy. *
-- * *
-- * GARP - 2009 *
-- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *( -- start script
global rltFractureVoronoi
try destroyDialog rltFractureVoronoi catch()rollout rltFractureVoronoi "F.R.A.C.T.U.R.E"
groupBox boxSetUp "" pos:[5,0] width:116 height:83
fn geometryFilter obj = superClassOf obj == GeometryClass
pickButton pbObject "Pick Object" pos:[10,11] width:106 height:25 filter:geometryFilter tooltip:"object to fracture"
spinner spnNbParts "Nb Parts: " pos:[09,41] width:106 height:16 range:[2,1000,10] type:#integer enabled:false
spinner spnNbIter "Iterations: " pos:[28,61] width:87 height:16 range:[1,10,1] type:#integer enabled:falsegroupBox boxMat "" pos:[5,81] width:116 height:89
spinner spnNewID "New Mat ID:" pos:[24,93] width:91 height:16 range:[1,100,1] indeterminate:true type:#integer enabled:false
checkBox cbKeepMat "Keep Material" pos:[12,110] checked:true enabled:false
spinner spnNewCh "New Map Ch:" pos:[32,133] width:83 height:16 range:[1,10,3] type:#integer enabled:false
checkBox cbRWMS "R-W Map Size" pos:[12,150] checked:true enabled:falsegroupBox boxHierarchy "" pos:[5,168] width:116 height:48
checkBox cbKeepGen "Keep Iterations" pos:[12,179] checked:false enabled:false
checkBox cbLinkGen "Build Hierarchy" pos:[12,196] checked:false enabled:falsegroupBox boxCreate "" pos:[5,214] width:116 height:109
button btnCreate "Break in 10" pos:[10,225] width:106 height:25 tooltip:"pick object first" enabled:false
radiobuttons rdoColor "" pos:[12,253] width:72 height:32 labels:#("Multi Color","Uniform") default:1 columns:1 enabled:false
colorPicker cpParts "" pos:[70,270] fieldWidth:20 height:12 visible:false
radiobuttons rdoCenter "" pos:[12,288] width:72 height:32 labels:#("B.Boxes Centers","Vo.Cells Centers") default:1 columns:1 enabled:falsegroupBox boxProgress "" pos:[5,321] width:116 height:49
progressBar pbProgress "" pos:[10,335] width:106 height:15 value:0 color:[0,96,0]
label lblProStatus "" pos:[10,351] width:100 height:17local theObject -- holds the original object
on pbObject picked obj do
pbObject.text = obj.name
theObject = obj
spnNbParts.enabled = true
spnNbIter.enabled = true
spnNewID.enabled = true
cbKeepMat.enabled = true
spnNewCh.enabled = true
cbRWMS.enabled = true
cbLinkGen.enabled = true
btnCreate.enabled = true
btnCreate.tooltip = "start creating parts"
rdoColor.enabled = true
rdoCenter.enabled = true
cpParts.color = obj.wireColor
cpParts.visible = true
when obj deleted do
btnCreate.enabled = false
btnCreate.tooltip = pbObject.text + " has been deleted!"
pbObject.text = "Pick Object"
undo off
( -- gets new mat ID for new faces
m = edit_mesh()
addModifier obj m
spnNewID.value = amax(for i = 1 to obj.numfaces collect getFaceMatID obj i) + 1
deleteModifier obj m
)) -- end on btnMesh picked theMesh
on btnCreate pressed do
undo off
start = timeStamp()
local nbParts = spnNbParts.value
local nbIter = spnNbIter.value
local keepGen = cbKeepGen.checked
local linkGen = cbLinkGen.checked
local aPartsStart = #()
local aPartsEnd = #()
local aAllParts = #()
local aAllCoords = #()
local thePlane = plane width:1 length:1 widthSegs:1 lengthSegs:1 -- plane helper for slice plane
local theMesh = editable_mesh()
local abortBreaking = false
lblProStatus.caption = " Breaking..."
-- clean copy (no custom attributes, keyframes, weird transforms, etc
theCopy = copy theObject
theCopy.name = "toto"
resetXForm theCopy
convertToMesh theCopy
theMesh.mesh = theCopy.mesh
theMesh.transform = theCopy.transform
theMesh.pivot = [0,0,0]
resetXForm theMesh
convertToMesh theMesh
delete theCopy
-- material and UVs
if cbKeepMat.checked do theMesh.material = theObject.material
addModifier theMesh (uvwMap mapChannel:spnNewCh.value realWorldMapSize:cbRWMS.checked)
convertToMesh theMesh
setFaceSelection theMesh #{}
-- parts creation
aPartsEnd = #(theMesh)
for iter = 1 to nbIter while not abortBreaking do
aPartsStart = aPartsEnd
aPartsEnd = #()
for obj in aPartsStart while not abortBreaking do
aPartsTemp = for i = 1 to nbParts collect copy obj
pSys = pcloud emitter:obj formation:3 total_number:nbParts quantityMethod:1 viewPercent:100 seed:(random 0 100)
aCoords = for i = 1 to nbParts collect particlePos pSys i -- fill with random coordinates
delete pSys
for i = 1 to nbParts - 1 do for j = i + 1 to nbParts while not abortBreaking do -- for each pair of coords
thePlane.pos = (aCoords[i] + aCoords[j]) / 2
thePlane.dir = aCoords[j] - aCoords[i]
addModifier aPartsTemp[i] (sliceModifier slice_type:2)
addModifier aPartsTemp[j] (sliceModifier slice_type:3)
aPartsTemp[i].slice.slice_plane.transform = thePlane.transform
aPartsTemp[j].slice.slice_plane.transform = thePlane.transform
addModifier aPartsTemp[i] (cap_holes())
addModifier aPartsTemp[j] (cap_holes())
convertToMesh aPartsTemp[i]
convertToMesh aPartsTemp[j]
if keyboard.escPressed do abortBreaking = queryBox "Do you want to abort and delete already created parts?"
) -- end i loop
aPartsEnd += aPartsTemp
aAllParts += aPartsTemp
aAllCoords += aCoords
total = nbParts * ((nbParts^nbIter - 1) / (nbParts - 1))
prog = 100 * aAllParts.count / total
pbProgress.value = prog
pbProgress.color = [200 - prog * 2,prog * 2,0]
) -- end obj loop
) -- end iter loop
if not abortBreaking then
lblProStatus.caption = " Finalizing..."
delete theMesh
delete thePlane
hide theObject
-- intermediate generations
if not keepGen and nbIter != 1 do
ind = 0
for i = 1 to nbIter - 1 do for j = 1 to nbParts^i do
ind += 1
delete aAllParts[ind]
aAllCoords[ind] = undefined
aAllParts = for obj in aAllParts where not isDeleted obj collect obj
aAllCoords = for c in aAllCoords where c != undefined collect c
-- coordinates
if rdoCenter.state == 1 then centerPivot aAllParts
else for i = 1 to aAllParts.count do aAllParts[i].pivot = aAllCoords[i]
resetXForm aAllParts
convertToMesh aAllParts
-- new faces ID
newID = spnNewID.value
for obj in aAllParts do
for f in getFaceSelection obj do setFaceMatID obj f newID
setFaceSelection obj #{}
-- names
if not keepGen or nbIter == 1 then
for i = 1 to aAllParts.count do aAllParts[i].name = theObject.name + "_Part_" + i as string
for i = 1 to nbParts do aAllParts[i].name = theObject.name + "_Part_" + i as string
indP = 0
indC = nbParts
for i = 1 to nbIter - 1 do for j = 1 to nbParts^i do
indP += 1
for k = 1 to nbParts do
indC += 1
aAllParts[indC].name = aAllParts[indP].name + "_" + k as string
) -- end k loop
) -- end j loop
) -- end else
-- layers
-- (comment out this block if you don't want any layer, intermediate generations will not be hidden)
-- (FROM HERE...)
if not keepGen or nbIter == 1 then
if layerManager.getLayerFromName (theObject.name + "_Parts") == undefined then
theLayer = layerManager.newLayerFromName (theObject.name + "_Parts")
else theLayer = layerManager.getLayerFromName (theObject.name + "_Parts")
for obj in aAllParts do theLayer.addNode obj
) -- end if
aTheLayers = for i = 1 to nbIter collect
if layerManager.getLayerFromName (theObject.name + "_Gen_" + i as string) == undefined then
layerManager.newLayerFromName (theObject.name + "_Gen_" + i as string)
else layerManager.getLayerFromName (theObject.name + "_Gen_" + i as string)
for i = 1 to nbIter - 1 do aTheLayers[i].isHidden = true
ind = 0
for i = 1 to nbIter do for j = 1 to nbParts^i do
ind += 1
aTheLayers[i].addNode aAllParts[ind]
) -- end i loop
) -- end else
-- (...TO HERE)-- hierarchy
if linkGen do
if not KeepGen or nbIter == 1 then for obj in aAllParts do attachObjects theObject obj move:false
for i = 1 to nbParts do attachObjects theObject aAllParts[i] move:false
indP = 0
indC = nbParts
for i = 1 to nbIter - 1 do for j = 1 to nbParts^i do
indP += 1
for k = 1 to nbParts do
indC += 1
attachObjects aAllParts[indP] aAllParts[indC] move:false
) -- end k loop
) -- end j loop
) -- end else
) -- end if linkGen
-- colors
if rdoColor.state == 1 then for obj in aAllParts do obj.wireColor = random black white
else aAllParts.wireColor = cpParts.color
lblProStatus.caption = " Done in " + (formattedPrint ((timeStamp() - start) / 1000.0) format:".1f") + "sec."
delete thePlane
delete theMesh
delete aAllParts
pbProgress.value = 0
lblProStatus.caption = " Stopped"
) -- end test abortBreaking
) -- end undo off
) -- end btnCreate pressedon spnNbParts changed val do
btnCreate.caption = "Break in " + ((val ^ spnNbIter.value) as string)
)on spnNbIter changed val do
btnCreate.caption = "Break in " + ((spnNbParts.value ^ val) as string)
cbKeepGen.enabled = val != 1
on rltFractureVoronoi close do
callbacks.removeScripts id:#FVcbID01
)) -- end rollout rltFractureVor
createDialog rltFractureVoronoi 126 375 60 130
) -- end script