Требуется заменить в Dynamic.cs код на этот и после откомпилировать и вы получите новую функцию для динамического класса.
Вы получите вкладку ReductionBy по умолчание стоит 1 это 100%, если вы поставите 0.34 это означает что будет проходить 34% урона.
Данная функция добавится ко всем динамическим классам Car.cs, PlayerCharacter, Dynamic.cs и тд.
// Copyright (C) NeoAxis Group Ltd. This is part of NeoAxis 3D Engine SDK.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing.Design;
using System.IO;
using Engine;
using Engine.EntitySystem;
using Engine.MapSystem;
using Engine.MathEx;
using Engine.PhysicsSystem;
using Engine.SoundSystem;
using Engine.Renderer;
using Engine.Utils;
using Engine.FileSystem;
using ProjectCommon;namespace ProjectEntities
/// <summary>
/// Defines the type class of entity class <see cref="Dynamic"/>.
/// </summary>
public class DynamicType : MapObjectType
float healthMax = 1;
float healthMin;
float ReductionBy = 1.0f;[FieldSerialize]
float impulseDamageCoefficient;
float impulseMinimalDamage;[FieldSerialize]
float targetPriority;[FieldSerialize]
string soundCollision;
float soundCollisionMinVelocity = 1.0f;[FieldSerialize]
Substance substance;[FieldSerialize]
float dieLatency;[FieldSerialize]
float lifeTime;[FieldSerialize]
List<AutomaticInfluenceItem> automaticInfluences = new List<AutomaticInfluenceItem>();public enum SoundRolloffModes
SoundRolloffModes soundRolloffMode = SoundRolloffModes.Logarithmic;
float soundMinDistance = 5;
float soundMaxDistance = 50;
float soundRolloffLogarithmicFactor = 1;MapObjectCreateObjectCollection dieObjects = new MapObjectCreateObjectCollection();
public class AutomaticInfluenceItem
InfluenceType influence;
[DefaultValue( typeof( Range ), "0 0.5" )]
Range lifeCoefficientRange = new Range( 0, .5f );public InfluenceType Influence
get { return influence; }
set { influence = value; }
}[DefaultValue( typeof( Range ), "0 0.5" )]
public Range LifeCoefficientRange
get { return lifeCoefficientRange; }
set { lifeCoefficientRange = value; }
}public override string ToString()
if( influence == null )
return "(not initialized)";
return influence.Name;
[DefaultValue( 0.0f )]
public float HealthMax
get { return healthMax; }
set { healthMax = value; }
}[DefaultValue( 0.0f )]
public float HealthMin
get { return healthMin; }
set { healthMin = value; }
[DefaultValue( 1.0f )]
public float reductionBy
get { return ReductionBy; }
set { ReductionBy = value; }
}[DefaultValue( 0.0f )]
public float ImpulseDamageCoefficient
get { return impulseDamageCoefficient; }
set { impulseDamageCoefficient = value; }
}[DefaultValue( 0.0f )]
public float ImpulseMinimalDamage
get { return impulseMinimalDamage; }
set { impulseMinimalDamage = value; }
}[DefaultValue( 0.0f )]
public float TargetPriority
get { return targetPriority; }
set { targetPriority = value; }
}[DefaultValue( "" )]
[Editor( typeof( EditorSoundUITypeEditor ), typeof( UITypeEditor ) )]
public string SoundCollision
get { return soundCollision; }
set { soundCollision = value; }
}[DefaultValue( 1.0f )]
public float SoundCollisionMinVelocity
get { return soundCollisionMinVelocity; }
set { soundCollisionMinVelocity = value; }
}[DefaultValue( Substance.None )]
public Substance Substance
get { return substance; }
set { substance = value; }
}[DefaultValue( 0.0f )]
public float DieLatency
get { return dieLatency; }
set { dieLatency = value; }
}[DefaultValue( 0.0f )]
public float LifeTime
get { return lifeTime; }
set { lifeTime = value; }
}[TypeConverter( typeof( CollectionTypeConverter ) )]
[Editor( "ProjectEntities.Editor.DynamicType_AutomaticInfluencesCollectionEditor, ProjectEntities.Editor", typeof( UITypeEditor ) )]
public List<AutomaticInfluenceItem> AutomaticInfluences
get { return automaticInfluences; }
}[DefaultValue( SoundRolloffModes.Logarithmic )]
public SoundRolloffModes SoundRolloffMode
get { return soundRolloffMode; }
set { soundRolloffMode = value; }
}[DefaultValue( 5.0f )]
[Editor( typeof( SingleValueEditor ), typeof( UITypeEditor ) )]
[EditorLimitsRange( 0, 100.0f )]
public float SoundMinDistance
get { return soundMinDistance; }
set { soundMinDistance = value; }
}[DefaultValue( 50.0f )]
[Editor( typeof( SingleValueEditor ), typeof( UITypeEditor ) )]
[EditorLimitsRange( 1, 1000 )]
public float SoundMaxDistance
get { return soundMaxDistance; }
set { soundMaxDistance = value; }
}[DefaultValue( 1.0f )]
[Editor( typeof( SingleValueEditor ), typeof( UITypeEditor ) )]
[EditorLimitsRange( .1f, 10.0f )]
public float SoundRolloffLogarithmicFactor
get { return soundRolloffLogarithmicFactor; }
set { soundRolloffLogarithmicFactor = value; }
}/// <summary>
/// The collection of actions to process when Die() method is called.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Usually Die() method is used to destroy the object with ability to do actions such as creation of a new objects, play sound, etc.
/// </remarks>
[Description( "The collection of actions to process when Die() method is called. Usually Die() method is used to destroy the object with ability to do actions such as creation of a new objects, play sound, etc." )]
public MapObjectCreateObjectCollection DieObjects
get { return dieObjects; }
public void PreloadSound( string soundName, SoundMode mode )
if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( soundName ) )
RelativePathUtils.ConvertToFullPath( Path.GetDirectoryName( FilePath ), soundName ), mode );
}protected override void OnPreloadResources()
base.OnPreloadResources();PreloadSound( SoundCollision, SoundMode.Mode3D );
foreach( MapObjectCreateObject createObject in DieObjects )
createObject.PreloadResources( this );
}protected override bool OnLoad( TextBlock block )
if( !base.OnLoad( block ) )
return false;//dieObjects
TextBlock dieObjectsBlock = block.FindChild( "dieObjects" );
if( dieObjectsBlock != null )
if( !dieObjects.Load( dieObjectsBlock ) )
return false;
}//old version compatibility
if( block.IsAttributeExist( "lifeMax" ) )
healthMax = float.Parse( block.GetAttribute( "lifeMax" ) );
if( block.IsAttributeExist( "lifeMin" ) )
healthMin = float.Parse( block.GetAttribute( "lifeMin" ) );return true;
}protected override bool OnSave( TextBlock block )
if( !base.OnSave( block ) )
return false;//dieObjects
if( dieObjects.Count != 0 )
TextBlock dieObjectsBlock = block.AddChild( "dieObjects" );
if( !dieObjects.Save( dieObjectsBlock ) )
return false;
}return true;
}protected override bool OnIsExistsReferenceToObject( object obj )
if( dieObjects.IsExistsReferenceToObject( obj ) )
return true;
return base.OnIsExistsReferenceToObject( obj );
}protected override void OnChangeReferencesToObject( object obj, object newValue )
base.OnChangeReferencesToObject( obj, newValue );
dieObjects.ChangeReferencesToObject( obj, newValue );
/// <summary>
/// Defines a class based on MapObject with additional functionality which usually useful to use in the project.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Features:
/// - Health system. The object can lose all health and die.
/// - Ability to configure set of actions to execute at object destroying. As example: Create particle system, new object, play sound.
/// - Playing sound at physical collision with another object.
/// - Managing of incluences. The object can have set of attached influences. As example the object can take fire.
/// - Networking support: Synchronization position, rotation of physical bodies.
/// </remarks>
public class Dynamic : MapObject
[FieldSerialize( FieldSerializeSerializationTypes.Map )]
float healthFactorAtBeginning = 1;
[FieldSerialize( FieldSerializeSerializationTypes.World )]
float health;
[DefaultValue( 0.0f )]
float dieLatencyRamainingTime;bool died;
float soundCollisionTimeRemaining;
bool soundCollisionTimeRemainingTimerAdded;[FieldSerialize]
[DefaultValue( 0.0f )]
float lifeTime;[FieldSerialize]
[DefaultValue( 1.0f )]
float receiveDamageCoefficient = 1;[FieldSerialize]
Influence[] automaticInfluences;bool server_enableSynchronizationPositionsToClients = true;
//for NetworkMessages.PositionToClient (PhysicsModel == null)
Vec3 server_sentPositionToClients = new Vec3( float.MaxValue, 0, 0 );
Quat server_sentRotationToClients = Quat.Identity;
Vec3 server_sentScaleToClients = new Vec3( 1, 1, 1 );//for NetworkMessages.BodiesPositionsToClient (PhysicsModel != null)
Server_SentBodiesPositionsToClientsItem[] server_sentBodiesPositionsToClients;//we are using cache of positions for interpolation
List<Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot> client_receivePositionsSnapshots = new List<Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot>();//Die objects
bool dieObjectsCreated;///////////////////////////////////////////
//for NetworkMessages.BodiesPositionsToClient (PhysicsModel != null)
struct Server_SentBodiesPositionsToClientsItem
public Vec3 position;
public Quat rotation;
class Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot
public int networkTickNumber;//for PhysicsModel == null
public Vec3 position;
public Quat rotation;
public Vec3 scale;//for PhysicsModel != null
public struct BodyItem
public Vec3 position;
public Quat rotation;
public BodyItem[] bodies;
enum NetworkMessages
PositionsToClient,//used for object which have not a physics model
BodiesPositionsToClient,//used for object which have a physics model
DynamicType _type = null; public new DynamicType Type { get { return _type; } }
[DefaultValue( 1.0f )]
[LogicSystemBrowsable( true )]
public float HealthFactorAtBeginning
get { return healthFactorAtBeginning; }
set { healthFactorAtBeginning = value; }
[Browsable( false )]
[LogicSystemBrowsable( true )]
public float Health
get { return health; }
if( health == value )
return;health = value;
if( health < Type.HealthMin )
health = Type.HealthMin;
else if( health > Type.HealthMax )
health = Type.HealthMax;if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsServer() || EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsSingle() )
if( Type.AutomaticInfluences.Count != 0 )
}//send to clients
if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsServer() &&
Type.NetworkType == EntityNetworkTypes.Synchronized )
Server_SendHealthToClients( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.RemoteEntityWorlds );
}//need Shape shape too. But currently logic system not support physics classes.
public delegate void DamageDelegate( Dynamic entity, MapObject prejudicial,
Vec3 pos, float damage );
[LogicSystemBrowsable( true )]
public event DamageDelegate Damage;protected virtual void OnDamage( MapObject prejudicial, Vec3 pos, Shape shape, float damage,
bool allowMoveDamageToParent )
float realDamage = damage * ReceiveDamageCoefficient * _type.reductionBy;if( Type.HealthMax != 0 )
float newHealth = Health - realDamage;
MathFunctions.Clamp( ref newHealth, Type.HealthMin, Type.HealthMax );
Health = newHealth;if( Health == 0 )
Die( prejudicial );
if( allowMoveDamageToParent )
//damage to parent
Dynamic dynamic = AttachedMapObjectParent as Dynamic;
if( dynamic != null )
dynamic.OnDamage( prejudicial, pos, shape, realDamage, true );
}if( Damage != null )
Damage( this, prejudicial, pos, realDamage );
}public void DoDamage( MapObject prejudicial, Vec3 pos, Shape shape, float damage,
bool allowMoveDamageToParent )
OnDamage( prejudicial, pos, shape, damage, allowMoveDamageToParent );
}public void Die( MapObject prejudicial, bool allowLatencyTime )
if( died )
if( dieLatencyRamainingTime != 0 )
if( allowLatencyTime )
dieLatencyRamainingTime = Type.DieLatency;
if( dieLatencyRamainingTime > 0 )
}died = true;
//create die objects
if( !dieObjectsCreated )
dieObjectsCreated = true;
}OnDie( prejudicial );
//networking: send Die call to clients
if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsServer() && Type.NetworkType == EntityNetworkTypes.Synchronized )
Server_SendDieCallToAllClients( prejudicial, allowLatencyTime );SetForDeletion( true );
}public void Die( MapObject prejudicial )
Die( prejudicial, true );
}[LogicSystemBrowsable( true )]
public void Die()
Die( null );
}[Browsable( false )]
public bool Died
get { return died; }
}protected virtual void OnCreateInfluence( Influence influence )
for( int n = 0; n < Type.AutomaticInfluences.Count; n++ )
DynamicType.AutomaticInfluenceItem typeItem = Type.AutomaticInfluences[ n ];
if( typeItem.Influence == influence.Type )
if( automaticInfluences == null )
automaticInfluences = new Influence[ Type.AutomaticInfluences.Count ];
automaticInfluences[ n ] = influence;
}/// <summary>Overridden from <see cref="Engine.EntitySystem.Entity.OnLoad(TextBlock)"/>.</summary>
protected override bool OnLoad( TextBlock block )
if( !base.OnLoad( block ) )
return false;if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.SerializationMode == SerializationModes.Map ||
EntitySystemWorld.Instance.SerializationMode == SerializationModes.MapSceneFile )
Health = Type.HealthMax * HealthFactorAtBeginning;
}return true;
}/// <summary>Overridden from <see cref="Engine.EntitySystem.Entity.OnSave(TextBlock)"/>.</summary>
protected override void OnSave( TextBlock block )
base.OnSave( block );//World serialization: save animation tree.
if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.SerializationMode == SerializationModes.World )
AnimationTree tree = GetFirstAnimationTree();
if( tree != null )
TextBlock treeBlock = block.AddChild( "animationTree" );
tree.WorldSave( treeBlock );
}/// <summary>Overridden from <see cref="Engine.EntitySystem.Entity.OnCreate()"/>.</summary>
protected override void OnCreate()
base.OnCreate();Health = Type.HealthMax;
}/// <summary>Overridden from <see cref="Engine.EntitySystem.Entity.OnPostCreate(Boolean)"/>.</summary>
protected override void OnPostCreate( bool loaded )
base.OnPostCreate( loaded );if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsServer() || EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsSingle() )
if( PhysicsModel != null )
if( Type.ImpulseDamageCoefficient != 0 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty( Type.SoundCollision ) )
foreach( Body body in PhysicsModel.Bodies )
body.Collision += Body_Collision;
}if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsServer() || EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsSingle() )
if( Type.AutomaticInfluences.Count != 0 )
}if( Type.LifeTime != 0 )
SubscribeToTickEvent();//World serialization: load animation tree.
if( loaded && EntitySystemWorld.Instance.SerializationMode == SerializationModes.World )
AnimationTree tree = GetFirstAnimationTree();
if( tree != null )
TextBlock treeBlock = LoadingTextBlock.FindChild( "animationTree" );
if( treeBlock != null )
string error;
tree.WorldLoad( treeBlock, out error );
}//server side. send positions to clients
if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsServer() )
if( Server_EnableSynchronizationPositionsToClients &&
Type.NetworkType == EntityNetworkTypes.Synchronized )
if( AttachedMapObjectParent == null )//no update for attached MapObjects
if( PhysicsModel != null )
Server_SendBodiesPositionsToAllClients( true );
Server_SendPositionsToAllClients( true );
}if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsClientOnly() )
if( Type.NetworkType == EntityNetworkTypes.Synchronized )
Client_UpdatePositionsBySnapshots( false );
}/// <summary>Overridden from <see cref="Engine.EntitySystem.Entity.OnDestroy()"/>.</summary>
protected override void OnDestroy()
if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsServer() || EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsSingle() )
if( PhysicsModel != null )
if( Type.ImpulseDamageCoefficient != 0 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty( Type.SoundCollision ) )
foreach( Body body in PhysicsModel.Bodies )
body.Collision -= Body_Collision;
}/// <summary>Overridden from <see cref="Engine.EntitySystem.Entity.OnRemoveChild(Entity)"/></summary>
protected override void OnRemoveChild( Entity entity )
base.OnRemoveChild( entity );//automaticInfluences
Influence influence = entity as Influence;
if( influence != null && automaticInfluences != null )
for( int n = 0; n < automaticInfluences.Length; n++ )
if( automaticInfluences[ n ] == influence )
automaticInfluences[ n ] = null;
}/// <summary>Overridden from <see cref="Engine.EntitySystem.Entity.OnTick()"/>.</summary>
protected override void OnTick()
base.OnTick();if( dieLatencyRamainingTime != 0 )
dieLatencyRamainingTime -= TickDelta;
if( dieLatencyRamainingTime <= 0 )
dieLatencyRamainingTime = 0;
Die( null, false );
}//destroy objects below specified height
if( GameMap.Instance != null && Position.Z < GameMap.Instance.DestroyObjectsBelowHeight )
Die();if( !Died && soundCollisionTimeRemaining != 0 )
soundCollisionTimeRemaining -= TickDelta;
if( soundCollisionTimeRemaining < 0 )
soundCollisionTimeRemaining = 0;if( soundCollisionTimeRemainingTimerAdded )
soundCollisionTimeRemainingTimerAdded = false;
}if( !Died && Type.LifeTime != 0 )
lifeTime += TickDelta;
if( lifeTime >= Type.LifeTime )
}protected override void Client_OnTick()
}protected override void OnSetTransform( ref Vec3 pos, ref Quat rot, ref Vec3 scl )
base.OnSetTransform( ref pos, ref rot, ref scl );//server side
if( IsPostCreated )
if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsServer() )
if( Server_EnableSynchronizationPositionsToClients &&
Type.NetworkType == EntityNetworkTypes.Synchronized )
if( AttachedMapObjectParent == null )//no update for attached MapObjects
if( PhysicsModel != null )
Server_SendBodiesPositionsToAllClients( false );
Server_SendPositionsToAllClients( false );
}protected virtual void OnDie( MapObject prejudicial )
//disable contacts
if( PhysicsModel != null )
foreach( Body body in PhysicsModel.Bodies )
foreach( Shape shape in body.Shapes )
shape.ContactGroup = (int)ContactGroup.NoContact;
}public void AddInfluence( InfluenceType influenceType, float time, bool checkSubstance )
Trace.Assert( time > 0 );if( checkSubstance )
if( influenceType.AllowSubstance != Substance.None )
if( ( influenceType.AllowSubstance & Type.Substance ) == 0 )
return;foreach( Entity child in Children )
if( child.Type != influenceType )
if( child.IsSetForDeletion )
continue;Influence i = (Influence)child;
i.RemainingTime += time;
}Influence influence = (Influence)Entities.Instance.Create( influenceType, this );
influence.RemainingTime = time;
influence.PostCreate();OnCreateInfluence( influence );
}void CopyInfluencesToObject( Dynamic destination )
foreach( Entity child in Children )
if( child.IsSetForDeletion )
continue;Influence influence = child as Influence;
if( influence == null )
continue;Influence i = (Influence)Entities.Instance.Create( influence.Type, destination );
i.RemainingTime = influence.RemainingTime;
}void Body_Collision( ref CollisionEvent collisionEvent )
if( soundCollisionTimeRemaining == 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( Type.SoundCollision ) )
Body thisBody = collisionEvent.ThisShape.Body;
Body otherBody = collisionEvent.OtherShape.Body;Vec3 velocityDifference = thisBody.LastStepLinearVelocity;
if( !otherBody.Static )
velocityDifference -= otherBody.LastStepLinearVelocity;
velocityDifference -= thisBody.LinearVelocity;float minVelocity = Type.SoundCollisionMinVelocity;
bool allowPlay = velocityDifference.LengthSqr() > minVelocity * minVelocity;
if( allowPlay )
SoundPlay3D( Type.SoundCollision, .5f, false );
soundCollisionTimeRemaining = .25f;if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsServer() &&
Type.NetworkType == EntityNetworkTypes.Synchronized )
}if( !soundCollisionTimeRemainingTimerAdded )
soundCollisionTimeRemainingTimerAdded = true;
if( Type.ImpulseDamageCoefficient != 0 && Health > Type.HealthMin )
Body thisBody = collisionEvent.ThisShape.Body;
Body otherBody = collisionEvent.OtherShape.Body;
float otherMass = otherBody.Mass;float impulse = 0;
impulse += thisBody.LastStepLinearVelocity.Length() * thisBody.Mass;
if( otherMass != 0 )
impulse += otherBody.LastStepLinearVelocity.Length() * otherMass;float damage = impulse * Type.ImpulseDamageCoefficient;
if( damage >= Type.ImpulseMinimalDamage )
OnDamage( null, collisionEvent.Position, collisionEvent.ThisShape, damage, true );
}public Unit GetParentUnitHavingIntellect()
MapObject mapObject = this;
while( mapObject != null )
Unit unit = mapObject as Unit;
if( unit != null && unit.Intellect != null )
return unit;
mapObject = mapObject.AttachedMapObjectParent;
return null;
}public Unit GetParentUnit()
MapObject mapObject = this;
while( mapObject != null )
Unit unit = mapObject as Unit;
if( unit != null )
return unit;
mapObject = mapObject.AttachedMapObjectParent;
return null;
}public void SoundPlay3D( string name, float priority, bool needAttach )
if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( name ) )
return;if( EngineApp.Instance.DefaultSoundChannelGroup != null &&
EngineApp.Instance.DefaultSoundChannelGroup.Volume == 0 )
return;string nameFullPath = RelativePathUtils.ConvertToFullPath(
Path.GetDirectoryName( Type.FilePath ), name );//2d sound mode for FPS Camera Player
PlayerIntellect playerIntellect = PlayerIntellect.Instance;if( playerIntellect != null && playerIntellect.FPSCamera &&
playerIntellect.ControlledObject != null &&
playerIntellect.ControlledObject == GetParentUnit() )
Sound sound = SoundWorld.Instance.SoundCreate( nameFullPath, 0 );
if( sound != null )
SoundWorld.Instance.SoundPlay( sound, EngineApp.Instance.DefaultSoundChannelGroup,
priority );
}//Default 3d mode
if( !needAttach )
Sound sound = SoundWorld.Instance.SoundCreate( nameFullPath, SoundMode.Mode3D );
if( sound == null )
return;VirtualChannel channel = SoundWorld.Instance.SoundPlay( sound,
EngineApp.Instance.DefaultSoundChannelGroup, priority, true );
if( channel != null )
channel.Position = Position;
switch( Type.SoundRolloffMode )
case DynamicType.SoundRolloffModes.Logarithmic:
channel.SetLogarithmicRolloff( Type.SoundMinDistance, Type.SoundMaxDistance,
Type.SoundRolloffLogarithmicFactor );
case DynamicType.SoundRolloffModes.Linear:
channel.SetLinearRolloff( Type.SoundMinDistance, Type.SoundMaxDistance );
channel.Pause = false;
MapObjectAttachedSound attachedSound = new MapObjectAttachedSound();
attachedSound.RolloffMode = (MapObjectAttachedSound.RolloffModes)Type.SoundRolloffMode;
attachedSound.MinDistance = Type.SoundMinDistance;
attachedSound.MaxDistance = Type.SoundMaxDistance;
attachedSound.RolloffLogarithmicFactor = Type.SoundRolloffLogarithmicFactor;
attachedSound.SetSoundName( nameFullPath, false );
Attach( attachedSound );
}/// <summary>
/// Calls Die().
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnLifeTimeIsOver()
}[Browsable( false )]
public float ReceiveDamageCoefficient
get { return receiveDamageCoefficient; }
set { receiveDamageCoefficient = value; }
}void UpdateAutomaticInfluences()
for( int n = 0; n < Type.AutomaticInfluences.Count; n++ )
DynamicType.AutomaticInfluenceItem typeItem = Type.AutomaticInfluences[ n ];bool need =
health >= typeItem.LifeCoefficientRange.Minimum * Type.HealthMax &&
health <= typeItem.LifeCoefficientRange.Maximum * Type.HealthMax;if( need )
if( automaticInfluences == null || automaticInfluences[ n ] == null )
AddInfluence( typeItem.Influence, 1000000.0f, false );
if( automaticInfluences != null && automaticInfluences[ n ] != null )
automaticInfluences[ n ].SetForDeletion( true );
}protected override void OnRenderFrame()
base.OnRenderFrame();if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsClientOnly() )
if( Type.NetworkType == EntityNetworkTypes.Synchronized )
Client_UpdatePositionsBySnapshots( true );
}protected virtual void OnSuspendPhysicsDuringMapLoading( bool suspend )
}public void SuspendPhysicsDuringMapLoading( bool suspend )
OnSuspendPhysicsDuringMapLoading( suspend );
}protected override void Server_OnClientConnectedBeforePostCreate(
RemoteEntityWorld remoteEntityWorld )
base.Server_OnClientConnectedBeforePostCreate( remoteEntityWorld );//send entity position, rotation and scale
if( Server_EnableSynchronizationPositionsToClients )
if( AttachedMapObjectParent == null )//no update for attached MapObjects
if( PhysicsModel != null )
Server_SendBodiesPositionsToNewClient( remoteEntityWorld );
Server_SendPositionsToNewClient( remoteEntityWorld );
}protected override void Server_OnClientConnectedAfterPostCreate(
RemoteEntityWorld remoteEntityWorld )
base.Server_OnClientConnectedAfterPostCreate( remoteEntityWorld );if( Health != Type.HealthMax )
Server_SendHealthToClients( new RemoteEntityWorld[] { remoteEntityWorld } );
}[Browsable( false )]
public bool Server_EnableSynchronizationPositionsToClients
get { return server_enableSynchronizationPositionsToClients; }
server_enableSynchronizationPositionsToClients = value;if( !server_enableSynchronizationPositionsToClients )
server_sentPositionToClients = new Vec3( float.MaxValue, 0, 0 );
server_sentRotationToClients = new Quat( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
server_sentScaleToClients = Vec3.Zero;
server_sentBodiesPositionsToClients = null;
}void Server_SendPositionsToAllClients( bool updateAll )
const float positionEpsilon = .005f;
const float rotationEpsilon = .001f;
const float scaleEpsilon = .001f;bool positionUpdated = updateAll ||
!Position.Equals( ref server_sentPositionToClients, positionEpsilon );
bool rotationUpdated = updateAll ||
!Rotation.Equals( ref server_sentRotationToClients, rotationEpsilon );
bool scaleUpdated = updateAll ||
!Scale.Equals( ref server_sentScaleToClients, scaleEpsilon );if( positionUpdated || rotationUpdated || scaleUpdated )
SendDataWriter writer = BeginNetworkMessage( typeof( Dynamic ),
(ushort)NetworkMessages.PositionsToClient );writer.Write( positionUpdated );
if( positionUpdated )
writer.Write( Position );
server_sentPositionToClients = Position;
}writer.Write( rotationUpdated );
if( rotationUpdated )
writer.Write( Rotation, 16 );
server_sentRotationToClients = Rotation;
}writer.Write( scaleUpdated );
if( scaleUpdated )
writer.Write( Scale );
server_sentScaleToClients = Scale;
}void Server_SendPositionsToNewClient( RemoteEntityWorld remoteEntityWorld )
SendDataWriter writer = BeginNetworkMessage( remoteEntityWorld, typeof( Dynamic ),
(ushort)NetworkMessages.PositionsToClient );writer.Write( true );
writer.Write( Position );
writer.Write( true );
writer.Write( Rotation, 16 );
writer.Write( true );
writer.Write( Scale );EndNetworkMessage();
}[NetworkReceive( NetworkDirections.ToClient, (ushort)NetworkMessages.PositionsToClient )]
void Client_ReceivePositions( RemoteEntityWorld sender, ReceiveDataReader reader )
//clear snanshots cache if entity is not created
if( !IsPostCreated )
client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Clear();//check for invalid snapshot cache
if( client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Count != 0 )
Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot lastSnapshot = client_receivePositionsSnapshots[
client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Count - 1 ];
if( lastSnapshot.bodies != null )
//remove snapshot cache
}Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot snapshot = new Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot();
snapshot.networkTickNumber = EntitySystemWorld.Instance.NetworkTickCounter;//read position
if( reader.ReadBoolean() )
snapshot.position = reader.ReadVec3();
//get position from previous snapshot
if( client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Count != 0 )
snapshot.position = client_receivePositionsSnapshots[
client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Count - 1 ].position;
}//read rotation
if( reader.ReadBoolean() )
snapshot.rotation = reader.ReadQuat( 16 );
//get rotation from previous snapshot
if( client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Count != 0 )
snapshot.rotation = client_receivePositionsSnapshots[
client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Count - 1 ].rotation;
}//read scale
if( reader.ReadBoolean() )
snapshot.scale = reader.ReadVec3();
//get position from previous snapshot
if( client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Count != 0 )
snapshot.scale = client_receivePositionsSnapshots[
client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Count - 1 ].scale;
}if( !reader.Complete() )
return;client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Add( snapshot );
Client_UpdatePositionsBySnapshots( false );
}protected void Server_SendBodiesPositionsToAllClients( bool updateAll )
const float positionEpsilon = .005f;
const float rotationEpsilon = .001f;Body[] bodies = PhysicsModel.Bodies;
if( server_sentBodiesPositionsToClients == null ||
server_sentBodiesPositionsToClients.Length != bodies.Length )
server_sentBodiesPositionsToClients = new Server_SentBodiesPositionsToClientsItem[
bodies.Length ];//reset items
Server_SentBodiesPositionsToClientsItem item =
new Server_SentBodiesPositionsToClientsItem();
item.position = new Vec3( float.MaxValue, 0, 0 );
for( int n = 0; n < bodies.Length; n++ )
server_sentBodiesPositionsToClients[ n ] = item;
}bool existsUpdates = false;
for( int n = 0; n < bodies.Length; n++ )
Body body = bodies[ n ];Server_SentBodiesPositionsToClientsItem item =
server_sentBodiesPositionsToClients[ n ];bool positionUpdated = !body.Position.Equals( ref item.position, positionEpsilon );
bool rotationUpdated = !body.Rotation.Equals( ref item.rotation, rotationEpsilon );if( positionUpdated || rotationUpdated )
existsUpdates = true;
if( updateAll )
existsUpdates = true;if( existsUpdates )
SendDataWriter writer = BeginNetworkMessage( typeof( Dynamic ),
(ushort)NetworkMessages.BodiesPositionsToClient );//write body count
writer.WriteVariableUInt32( (uint)bodies.Length );//write bodies positions and rotations
for( int n = 0; n < bodies.Length; n++ )
Body body = bodies[ n ];Server_SentBodiesPositionsToClientsItem item =
server_sentBodiesPositionsToClients[ n ];bool positionUpdated = updateAll ||
!body.Position.Equals( ref item.position, positionEpsilon );
bool rotationUpdated = updateAll ||
!body.Rotation.Equals( ref item.rotation, rotationEpsilon );writer.Write( positionUpdated );
if( positionUpdated )
writer.Write( body.Position );
item.position = body.Position;
}writer.Write( rotationUpdated );
if( rotationUpdated )
writer.Write( body.Rotation, 16 );
item.rotation = body.Rotation;
}//update server_sentBodiesPositionsToClients[ n ]
if( positionUpdated || rotationUpdated )
server_sentBodiesPositionsToClients[ n ] = item;
}void Server_SendBodiesPositionsToNewClient( RemoteEntityWorld remoteEntityWorld )
SendDataWriter writer = BeginNetworkMessage( remoteEntityWorld, typeof( Dynamic ),
(ushort)NetworkMessages.BodiesPositionsToClient );//write body count
writer.WriteVariableUInt32( (uint)PhysicsModel.Bodies.Length );//write bodies positions and rotations
foreach( Body body in PhysicsModel.Bodies )
writer.Write( true );
writer.Write( body.Position );
writer.Write( true );
writer.Write( body.Rotation, 16 );
}[NetworkReceive( NetworkDirections.ToClient, (ushort)NetworkMessages.BodiesPositionsToClient )]
void Client_ReceiveBodiesPositions( RemoteEntityWorld sender, ReceiveDataReader reader )
//clear snapshots cache if entity is not created
if( !IsPostCreated )
client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Clear();//check for invalid snapshot cache
if( client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Count != 0 )
Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot lastSnapshot = client_receivePositionsSnapshots[
client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Count - 1 ];
if( lastSnapshot.bodies == null )
//remove snapshot cache
}int count = (int)reader.ReadVariableUInt32();
Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot snapshot = new Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot();
snapshot.networkTickNumber = EntitySystemWorld.Instance.NetworkTickCounter;snapshot.bodies = new Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot.BodyItem[ count ];
//receive bodies positions and rotations
for( int n = 0; n < count; n++ )
Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot.BodyItem bodyItem = new
Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot.BodyItem();//read position
if( reader.ReadBoolean() )
bodyItem.position = reader.ReadVec3();
//get position from previous snapshot
if( client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Count != 0 )
bodyItem.position = client_receivePositionsSnapshots[
client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Count - 1 ].bodies[ n ].position;
}//read rotation
if( reader.ReadBoolean() )
bodyItem.rotation = reader.ReadQuat( 16 );
//get rotation from previous snapshot
if( client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Count != 0 )
bodyItem.rotation = client_receivePositionsSnapshots[
client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Count - 1 ].bodies[ n ].rotation;
}snapshot.bodies[ n ] = bodyItem;
}if( !reader.Complete() )
return;client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Add( snapshot );
if( IsPostCreated )
Client_UpdatePositionsBySnapshots( false );
}void Server_SendHealthToClients( IList<RemoteEntityWorld> remoteEntityWorlds )
SendDataWriter writer = BeginNetworkMessage( remoteEntityWorlds, typeof( Dynamic ),
(ushort)NetworkMessages.HealthToClient );
writer.Write( Health );
}[NetworkReceive( NetworkDirections.ToClient, (ushort)NetworkMessages.HealthToClient )]
void Client_ReceiveHealth( RemoteEntityWorld sender, ReceiveDataReader reader )
float value = reader.ReadSingle();
if( !reader.Complete() )
Health = value;
}void Server_SendSoundPlayCollisionToAllClients()
SendDataWriter writer = BeginNetworkMessage( typeof( Dynamic ),
(ushort)NetworkMessages.SoundPlayCollisionToClient );
}[NetworkReceive( NetworkDirections.ToClient, (ushort)NetworkMessages.SoundPlayCollisionToClient )]
void Client_ReceiveSoundPlayCollision( RemoteEntityWorld sender, ReceiveDataReader reader )
if( !reader.Complete() )
SoundPlay3D( Type.SoundCollision, .5f, false );
}void Client_GetReceivePositionsSnapshots( int networkTickNumber,
out Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot snapshot1,
out Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot snapshot2 )
for( int n = client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Count - 1; n >= 0; n-- )
Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot snapshot = client_receivePositionsSnapshots[ n ];if( networkTickNumber >= snapshot.networkTickNumber )
snapshot1 = snapshot;
snapshot2 = null;
if( n + 1 < client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Count )
Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot nextSnapshot =
client_receivePositionsSnapshots[ n + 1 ];
if( networkTickNumber + 1 == nextSnapshot.networkTickNumber )
snapshot2 = nextSnapshot;
}snapshot1 = client_receivePositionsSnapshots[ 0 ];
snapshot2 = null;
}public void Client_UpdatePositionsBySnapshots( bool rendering )
if( client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Count == 0 )
return;float time;
float clientTime = EntitySystemWorld.Instance.Client_TickTime;if( rendering )
float timeFromLastTick = RendererWorld.Instance.FrameRenderTime -
clientTime += timeFromLastTick;
}//interpolationTime should be greater than sending interval (currently TickDelta)
float interpolationTime = TickDelta * 1.5f;time = clientTime - interpolationTime;
}int networkTickNumber = (int)( (float)time * EntitySystemWorld.Instance.GameFPS );// time / TickDelta
//remove not necessary snapshots
if( client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Count > 1 )
if( client_receivePositionsSnapshots[ 1 ].networkTickNumber <= networkTickNumber )
client_receivePositionsSnapshots.RemoveAt( 0 );
goto again;
}Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot snapshot1;
Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot snapshot2;
if( rendering )
Client_GetReceivePositionsSnapshots( networkTickNumber, out snapshot1, out snapshot2 );
//use last snapshot
snapshot1 = client_receivePositionsSnapshots[
client_receivePositionsSnapshots.Count - 1 ];
snapshot2 = null;
}if( snapshot2 != null )
//with interpolationfloat timeCoef;
float time1 = ( (float)networkTickNumber ) * TickDelta;
//float time2 = time1 + TickDelta;
float timeDiff = TickDelta;//time2 - time1
timeCoef = 1.0f - ( time - time1 ) / timeDiff;
MathFunctions.Saturate( ref timeCoef );
}if( PhysicsModel != null )
for( int n = 0; n < PhysicsModel.Bodies.Length; n++ )
Body body = PhysicsModel.Bodies[ n ];if( snapshot1.bodies == null || n >= snapshot1.bodies.Length )
if( snapshot2.bodies == null || n >= snapshot2.bodies.Length )
continue;Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot.BodyItem bodyItem1 = snapshot1.bodies[ n ];
Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot.BodyItem bodyItem2 = snapshot2.bodies[ n ];Vec3 pos;
Quat rot;
Vec3.Lerp( ref bodyItem2.position, ref bodyItem1.position, timeCoef, out pos );
Quat.Slerp( ref bodyItem2.rotation, ref bodyItem1.rotation, timeCoef, out rot );body.SetTransform( pos, rot );
body.SetOldTransform( pos, rot );
}UpdatePositionAndRotationByPhysics( true );
OldPosition = Position;
OldRotation = Rotation;
Vec3 pos;
Quat rot;
Vec3 scl;
Vec3.Lerp( ref snapshot2.position, ref snapshot1.position, timeCoef, out pos );
Quat.Slerp( ref snapshot2.rotation, ref snapshot1.rotation, timeCoef, out rot );
Vec3.Lerp( ref snapshot2.scale, ref snapshot1.scale, timeCoef, out scl );SetTransform( pos, rot, scl );
SetOldTransform( pos, rot, scl );
//without interpolationif( PhysicsModel != null )
for( int n = 0; n < PhysicsModel.Bodies.Length; n++ )
Body body = PhysicsModel.Bodies[ n ];if( snapshot1.bodies == null || n >= snapshot1.bodies.Length )
continue;Client_ReceivePositionsSnapshot.BodyItem bodyItem = snapshot1.bodies[ n ];
body.SetTransform( bodyItem.position, bodyItem.rotation );
body.SetOldTransform( bodyItem.position, bodyItem.rotation );
}UpdatePositionAndRotationByPhysics( true );
OldPosition = Position;
OldRotation = Rotation;
SetTransform( snapshot1.position, snapshot1.rotation, snapshot1.scale );
SetOldTransform( snapshot1.position, snapshot1.rotation, snapshot1.scale );
}public AnimationTree GetFirstAnimationTree()
foreach( MapObjectAttachedObject attachedObject in AttachedObjects )
MapObjectAttachedMesh attachedMesh = attachedObject as MapObjectAttachedMesh;
if( attachedMesh != null )
if( attachedMesh.AnimationTree != null )
return attachedMesh.AnimationTree;
return null;
}public AnimationTree[] GetAllAnimationTrees()
List<AnimationTree> list = new List<AnimationTree>();
foreach( MapObjectAttachedObject attachedObject in AttachedObjects )
MapObjectAttachedMesh attachedMesh = attachedObject as MapObjectAttachedMesh;
if( attachedMesh != null )
if( attachedMesh.AnimationTree != null )
list.Add( attachedMesh.AnimationTree );
return list.ToArray();
}public virtual MapObjectCreateObjectCollection.CreateObjectsResultItem[] DieObjects_Create()
//create objects
MapObjectCreateObjectCollection.CreateObjectsResultItem[] result =
Type.DieObjects.CreateObjectsOfOneRandomSelectedGroup( this );//modify created objects:
//- Random rotate objects with Alias = "randomRotation"
//- Apply CopyVelocitiesFromParent property
foreach( MapObjectCreateObjectCollection.CreateObjectsResultItem item in result )
MapObjectCreateMapObject createMapObject = item.Source as MapObjectCreateMapObject;
if( createMapObject != null )
foreach( MapObject mapObject in item.CreatedObjects )
//Copy information to dead object
if( createMapObject.CopyVelocitiesFromParent )
Dynamic dynamic = mapObject as Dynamic;
if( dynamic != null )
CopyInfluencesToObject( dynamic );
}//random rotation
if( createMapObject.Alias == "randomRotation" )
Bullet bullet = mapObject as Bullet;
if( bullet != null )
bullet.Rotation = new Angles(
World.Instance.Random.NextFloat() * 180.0f,
World.Instance.Random.NextFloat() * 180.0f,
World.Instance.Random.NextFloat() * 180.0f ).ToQuat();
bullet.Velocity = bullet.Rotation.GetForward() * bullet.Type.Velocity;
}return result;
}void Server_SendDieCallToAllClients( MapObject prejudicial, bool allowLatencyTime )
SendDataWriter writer = BeginNetworkMessage( typeof( Dynamic ), (ushort)NetworkMessages.DieCallToClient );
writer.WriteVariableUInt32( prejudicial != null ? prejudicial.NetworkUIN : 0 );
writer.Write( allowLatencyTime );
}[NetworkReceive( NetworkDirections.ToClient, (ushort)NetworkMessages.DieCallToClient )]
void Client_ReceiveDieCall( RemoteEntityWorld sender, ReceiveDataReader reader )
MapObject prejudicial = Entities.Instance.GetByNetworkUIN( reader.ReadVariableUInt32() ) as MapObject;
bool allowLatencyTime = reader.ReadBoolean();
if( !reader.Complete() )
Die( prejudicial, allowLatencyTime );