Класс для навигации ботов способность обходить препятствия.

// Copyright (C) NeoAxis Group Ltd. This is part of NeoAxis 3D Engine SDK.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing.Design;
using Engine.FileSystem;
using Engine.Utils;
using Engine.EntitySystem;
using Engine.MapSystem;
using Engine.MathEx;
using Engine.Renderer;

namespace Engine
	public class RecastNavigationSystemType : MapGeneralObjectType
    public RecastNavigationSystemType()
    	AllowEmptyName = true;


	struct Wrapper
    public const string library = "Recast";
    public const CallingConvention convention = CallingConvention.Cdecl;

    [DllImport( Wrapper.library, EntryPoint = "Recast_Initialize", CallingConvention = Wrapper.convention )]
    public unsafe static extern IntPtr Initialize(
    	 ref Vec3 bmin, ref Vec3 bmax,
    	 float tileSize, float cellSize, float cellHeight,
    	 int minRegionSize, int mergeRegionSize, [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.U1 )] bool monotonePartitioning,
    	 float maxEgdeLength, float maxEdgeError,
    	 int vertsPerPoly, float detailSampleDistance, float detailMaxSampleError,
    	 float agentHeight, float agentRadius, float agentMaxClimb, float agentMaxSlope );

    [DllImport( Wrapper.library, EntryPoint = "Recast_NavQueryInit", CallingConvention = Wrapper.convention )]
    [return: MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.U1 )]
    public unsafe static extern bool NavQueryInit( IntPtr world, int maxNodes );

    [DllImport( Wrapper.library, EntryPoint = "Recast_GetSizes", CallingConvention = Wrapper.convention )]
    public unsafe static extern void GetSizes( IntPtr world, out int maxTiles, out int maxPolysPerTile );

    [DllImport( Wrapper.library, EntryPoint = "Recast_BuildAllTiles", CallingConvention = Wrapper.convention )]
    public unsafe static extern void BuildAllTiles( IntPtr world );

    [DllImport( Wrapper.library, EntryPoint = "Recast_DestroyAllTiles", CallingConvention = Wrapper.convention )]
    public unsafe static extern void DestroyAllTiles( IntPtr world );

    [DllImport( Wrapper.library, EntryPoint = "Recast_SetGeometry", CallingConvention = Wrapper.convention )]
    public unsafe static extern void SetGeometry( IntPtr world, IntPtr vertices, int vertexCount,
    	IntPtr indices, int indexCount, int trianglesPerChunk );

    [DllImport( Wrapper.library, EntryPoint = "Recast_Destroy", CallingConvention = Wrapper.convention )]
    public unsafe static extern void Destroy( IntPtr world );

    [DllImport( Wrapper.library, EntryPoint = "Recast_GetNavigationMesh", CallingConvention = Wrapper.convention )]
    [return: MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.U1 )]
    public unsafe static extern bool GetNavigationMesh( IntPtr world, out Vec3* vertices,
    	out int vertexCount );

    [DllImport( Wrapper.library, EntryPoint = "Recast_FindPath", CallingConvention = Wrapper.convention )]
    [return: MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.U1 )]
    public unsafe static extern bool FindPath( IntPtr world, ref Vec3 start, ref Vec3 end, float stepSize,
    	ref Vec3 polygonPickExtents, int maxPolygonPath, int maxSmoothPath, int maxSteerPoints,
    	out Vec3* outPath, out int outPathCount );

    [DllImport( Wrapper.library, EntryPoint = "Recast_FreeMemory", CallingConvention = Wrapper.convention )]
    public unsafe static extern void FreeMemory( IntPtr pointer );

    [DllImport( Wrapper.library, EntryPoint = "Recast_LoadNavMesh", CallingConvention = Wrapper.convention )]
    [return: MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.U1 )]
    public unsafe static extern bool LoadNavMesh( IntPtr world, IntPtr data, int dataSize );

    [DllImport( Wrapper.library, EntryPoint = "Recast_SaveNavMesh", CallingConvention = Wrapper.convention )]
    public unsafe static extern void SaveNavMesh( IntPtr world, out IntPtr data, out int dataSize );

    [DllImport( Wrapper.library, EntryPoint = "Recast_BuildTile", CallingConvention = Wrapper.convention )]
    public unsafe static extern void BuildTile( IntPtr world, ref Vec3 position );

    [DllImport( Wrapper.library, EntryPoint = "Recast_RemoveTile", CallingConvention = Wrapper.convention )]
    public unsafe static extern void RemoveTile( IntPtr world, ref Vec3 position );


	[ExtendedFunctionalityDescriptor( "Engine.Editor.RecastNavigationSystemExtendedFunctionalityDescriptor, RecastNavigationSystem.Editor" )]
	public class RecastNavigationSystem : MapGeneralObject
    static List<RecastNavigationSystem> instances = new List<RecastNavigationSystem>();
    static ReadOnlyCollection<RecastNavigationSystem> instancesReadOnly;

    [FieldSerialize( "boundsMin" )]
    Vec3 boundsMin = new Vec3( -100, -100, -100 );

    [FieldSerialize( "boundsMax" )]
    Vec3 boundsMax = new Vec3( 100, 100, 100 );

    [FieldSerialize( "tileSize" )]
    int tileSize = 32;

    [FieldSerialize( "cellSize" )]
    float cellSize = .3f;

    [FieldSerialize( "cellHeight" )]
    float cellHeight = .3f;

    [FieldSerialize( "trianglesPerChunk" )]
    int trianglesPerChunk = 512;

    [FieldSerialize( "minRegionSize" )]
    int minRegionSize = 8;

    [FieldSerialize( "mergeRegionSize" )]
    int mergeRegionSize = 20;

    [FieldSerialize( "monotonePartitioning" )]
    bool monotonePartitioning = false;

    [FieldSerialize( "maxEdgeLength" )]
    float maxEdgeLength = 12;

    [FieldSerialize( "maxEdgeError" )]
    float maxEdgeError = 1.3f;

    [FieldSerialize( "maxVerticesPerPolygon" )]
    int maxVerticesPerPolygon = 6;

    [FieldSerialize( "detailSampleDistance" )]
    float detailSampleDistance = 6;

    [FieldSerialize( "detailMaxSampleError" )]
    float detailMaxSampleError = 1;

    [FieldSerialize( "agentHeight" )]
    float agentHeight = 2.0f;

    [FieldSerialize( "agentRadius" )]
    float agentRadius = .6f;

    [FieldSerialize( "agentMaxClimb" )]
    float agentMaxClimb = .9f;

    [FieldSerialize( "agentMaxSlope" )]
    Degree agentMaxSlope = 45;

    [FieldSerialize( "geometries" )]
    List<Entity> geometries = new List<Entity>();
    ReadOnlyCollection<Entity> geometriesReadOnly;

    [FieldSerialize( "alwaysDrawNavMesh" )]
    bool alwaysDrawNavMesh;

    [FieldSerialize( "pathfindingMaxNodes" )]
    int pathfindingMaxNodes = 8192;

    [FieldSerialize( "dataDirectory" )]
    string dataDirectory = "RecastNavigationSystem";

    //[FieldSerialize( "gridHeight" )]
    //float gridHeight = .5f;

    IntPtr recastWorld;

    Vec3[] debugNavigationMeshVertices;
    int[] debugNavigationMeshIndices;

    //Vec3[] tileGridMeshVertices;
    //int[] tileGridMeshIndices;
    //Vec3[] cellGridMeshVertices;
    //int[] cellGridMeshIndices;

    //bool drawTileGrid;


    RecastNavigationSystemType __type = null;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the entity type.
    /// </summary>
    public new RecastNavigationSystemType Type { get { return __type; } }


    class IndexVertexBufferCollector
    	//!!!!!!need instancing
    	public Vec3[] resultVertices = new Vec3[ 4096 ];
    	public int[] resultIndices = new int[ 4096 ];
    	public int resultVertexCount;
    	public int resultIndexCount;

    	public void Add( Vec3[] vertices, int vertexCount, int[] indices, int indexCount )
        int newVertexCount = resultVertexCount + vertexCount;
        int newIndexCount = resultIndexCount + indexCount;

        if( newVertexCount > resultVertices.Length )
        	int s = resultVertices.Length;
        	while( newVertexCount > s )
            s *= 2;
        	Vec3[] old = resultVertices;
        	resultVertices = new Vec3[ s ];
        	Array.Copy( old, resultVertices, old.Length );

        if( newIndexCount > resultIndices.Length )
        	int s = resultIndices.Length;
        	while( newIndexCount > s )
            s *= 2;
        	int[] old = resultIndices;
        	resultIndices = new int[ s ];
        	Array.Copy( old, resultIndices, old.Length );

        Array.Copy( vertices, 0, resultVertices, resultVertexCount, vertexCount );
        for( int n = 0; n < indexCount; n++ )
        	resultIndices[ resultIndexCount + n ] = resultVertexCount + indices[ n ];
        resultVertexCount = newVertexCount;
        resultIndexCount = newIndexCount;



    public RecastNavigationSystem()
    	instances.Add( this );

    	geometriesReadOnly = new ReadOnlyCollection<Entity>( geometries );

    	NativeLibraryManager.PreLoadLibrary( "Recast" );

    public static IList<RecastNavigationSystem> Instances
        if( instancesReadOnly == null )
        	instancesReadOnly = new ReadOnlyCollection<RecastNavigationSystem>( instances );
        return instancesReadOnly;

    [Category( "Debug" )]
    [DefaultValue( false )]
    public bool AlwaysDrawNavMesh
    	get { return alwaysDrawNavMesh; }
    	set { alwaysDrawNavMesh = value; }

    //[Browsable( false )] //SodanKerjuu: controlled by the initialize toolbox form
    //public bool DrawTileGrid
    //   get { return drawTileGrid; }
    //   set { drawTileGrid = value; }

    //[DefaultValue( .5f )]
    //public float GridHeight
    //   get { return gridHeight; }
    //   set
    //   {
    //      gridHeight = value;
    //      MathFunctions.Saturate( ref gridHeight );
    //      ClearDebugGrids();
    //   }

    [Category( "Grid" )]
    public Vec3 BoundsMin
    	get { return boundsMin; }
        if( boundsMin == value )
        boundsMin = value;


    [Category( "Grid" )]
    public Vec3 BoundsMax
    	get { return boundsMax; }
        if( boundsMax == value )
        boundsMax = value;


    [Category( "Grid" )]
    [DefaultValue( 32 )]
    [LocalizedDescription( "Размер плитки.", "RecastNavigationSystem" )]
    public int TileSize
    	get { return tileSize; }
        if( value < 16 )
        	value = 16;
        tileSize = value;

    [Category( "Grid" )]
    [DefaultValue( .3f )]
    [LocalizedDescription( "Разрешение по ширине и глубине, используемое при выборке исходной геометрии. Ширина и глубина вокселей в полях вокселей. Ширина и глубина столбцов ячеек, составляющих воксельные поля. Более низкое значение позволяет сгенерированным сеткам более точно соответствовать исходной геометрии, но при более высокой стоимости обработки и памяти.", "RecastNavigationSystem" )]
    public float CellSize
    	get { return cellSize; }
        if( value < .01f )
        	value = .01f;
        cellSize = value;

    [Category( "Grid" )]
    [DefaultValue( .3f )]
    [LocalizedDescription( "Разрешение по высоте, используемое при выборке исходной геометрии. Высота вокселей в полях вокселей.", "RecastNavigationSystem" )]
    public float CellHeight
    	get { return cellHeight; }
        if( value < .01f )
        	value = .01f;
        cellHeight = value;

    [Category( "Grid" )]
    [DefaultValue( 512 )]
    [LocalizedDescription( "Максимальное количество треугольников для каждого чанка во внутреннем дереве AABB.", "RecastNavigationSystem" )]
    public int TrianglesPerChunk
    	get { return trianglesPerChunk; }
        if( value < 128 )
        	value = 128;
        trianglesPerChunk = value;

    [Category( "Regions" )]
    [DefaultValue( 8 )]
    [LocalizedDescription( "Минимальный размер региона для не связанных (островных) регионов. Значение в вокселях. Области, которые не связаны ни с одним другим регионом и имеют размер меньше этого размера, будут отбракованы до создания сетки. То есть Они больше не будут считаться проходимыми.", "RecastNavigationSystem" )]
    public int MinRegionSize
    	get { return minRegionSize; }
        if( value < 1 )
        	value = 1;
        minRegionSize = value;

    [Category( "Regions" )]
    [DefaultValue( 20 )]
    [LocalizedDescription( "Любые регионы меньше этого размера будут, если возможно, объединены с более крупными регионами. Значение в вокселях. Помогает уменьшить количество небольших регионов. Это особенно проблема в областях диагонального пути, где присущие ошибки в алгоритме генерации области могут привести к излишне маленьким областям.", "RecastNavigationSystem" )]
    public int MergeRegionSize
    	get { return mergeRegionSize; }
        if( value < 0 )
        	value = 0;
        mergeRegionSize = value;

    [Category( "Regions" )]
    [DefaultValue( false )]
    [LocalizedDescription( "Разделите пройденную поверхность на простые области без отверстий.", "RecastNavigationSystem" )]
    public bool MonotonePartitioning
    	get { return monotonePartitioning; }
    	set { monotonePartitioning = value; }

    [Category( "Polygonization" )]
    [DefaultValue( 12.0f )]
    [LocalizedDescription( "Максимальная длина ребер многоугольника, представляющих границу ячеек. Больше вершин будет добавлено к граничным ребрам, если это значение будет превышено для определенного ребра. Нулевое значение отключит эту функцию.", "RecastNavigationSystem" )]
    public float MaxEdgeLength
    	get { return maxEdgeLength; }
        if( value < 0 )
        	value = 0;
        maxEdgeLength = value;

    [Category( "Polygonization" )]
    [DefaultValue( 1.3f )]
    [LocalizedDescription( "Максимальное расстояние, на которое края сетки могут отклоняться от исходной геометрии. Более низкое значение приведет к тому, что ребра сетки будут более точно следовать контуру геометрии плоскости xz за счет увеличения числа треугольников.", "RecastNavigationSystem" )]
    public float MaxEdgeError
    	get { return maxEdgeError; }
        if( value < .1f )
        	value = .1f;
        maxEdgeError = value;

    [Category( "Polygonization" )]
    [DefaultValue( 6 )]
    public int MaxVerticesPerPolygon
    	get { return maxVerticesPerPolygon; }
        if( value < 3 )
        	value = 3;
        maxVerticesPerPolygon = value;

        //need change debug drawing NavMesh. at this time navmesh draws as triangle list.

    [Category( "Detail Mesh" )]
    [DefaultValue( 6.0f )]
    [LocalizedDescription( "Устанавливает расстояние выборки, используемое при сопоставлении сетки детали с поверхностью исходной геометрии. Влияет на то, насколько хорошо конечная сетка детали соответствует контуру поверхности исходной геометрии. Более высокие значения приводят к созданию сетки деталей, которая более точно соответствует поверхности исходной геометрии за счет более высокого конечного числа треугольников и более высоких затрат на обработку.", "RecastNavigationSystem" )]
    public float DetailSampleDistance
    	get { return detailSampleDistance; }
        if( value < 0 )
        	value = 0;
        detailSampleDistance = value;

    [Category( "Detail Mesh" )]
    [DefaultValue( 1.0f )]
    [LocalizedDescription( "Максимальное расстояние, на котором поверхность сетки деталей может отклоняться от поверхности исходной геометрии.", "RecastNavigationSystem" )]
    public float DetailMaxSampleError
    	get { return detailMaxSampleError; }
        if( value < 0 )
        	value = 0;
        detailMaxSampleError = value;

    [Category( "Agent" )]
    [DefaultValue( 2.0f )]
    [LocalizedDescription( "Минимальная высота, на которой агент еще может ходить.", "RecastNavigationSystem" )]
    public float AgentHeight
    	get { return agentHeight; }
        if( value < .1f )
        	value = .1f;
        agentHeight = value;

    [Category( "Agent" )]
    [DefaultValue( .6f )]
    [LocalizedDescription( "Радиус агента.", "RecastNavigationSystem" )]
    public float AgentRadius
    	get { return agentRadius; }
        if( value < 0 )
        	value = 0;
        agentRadius = value;

    [Category( "Agent" )]
    [DefaultValue( .9f )]
    [LocalizedDescription( "Максимальная высота между ячейками сетки, на которую может подняться агент.", "RecastNavigationSystem" )]
    public float AgentMaxClimb
    	get { return agentMaxClimb; }
        if( value < .001f )
        	value = .001f;
        agentMaxClimb = value;

    [Category( "Agent" )]
    [DefaultValue( typeof( Degree ), "45" )]
    [Editor( typeof( SingleValueEditor ), typeof( UITypeEditor ) )]
    [EditorLimitsRange( 1, 89 )]
    [LocalizedDescription( "Максимальный ходовой угол наклона в градусах.", "RecastNavigationSystem" )]
    public Degree AgentMaxSlope
    	get { return agentMaxSlope; }
        if( value < 1 )
        	value = 1;
        if( value > 89 )
        	value = 89;
        agentMaxSlope = value;

    [Browsable( false )]
    public IList<Entity> Geometries
    	get { return geometriesReadOnly; }

    [Category( "Pathfinding" )]
    [DefaultValue( 8192 )]
    [LocalizedDescription( "Максимальное количество используемых поисковых узлов (не более 65536).", "RecastNavigationSystem" )]
    public int PathfindingMaxNodes
    	get { return pathfindingMaxNodes; }
        if( value < 4 )
        	value = 4;
        if( value > 65536 )
        	value = 65536;
        pathfindingMaxNodes = value;

        if( recastWorld != IntPtr.Zero )
        	Wrapper.NavQueryInit( recastWorld, pathfindingMaxNodes );

    //void ClearDebugGrids()
    //   tileGridMeshVertices = null;
    //   tileGridMeshIndices = null;
    //   cellGridMeshVertices = null;
    //   cellGridMeshIndices = null;

    static Vec3 ToRecastVec3( Vec3 v )
    	return new Vec3( v.X, v.Z, -v.Y );

    static Vec3 ToEngineVec3( Vec3 v )
    	return new Vec3( v.X, -v.Z, v.Y );

    protected override bool OnLoad( TextBlock block )
    	if( !base.OnLoad( block ) )
        return false;


    	string virtualDataDirectory = Path.Combine( Map.Instance.GetVirtualFileDirectory(), dataDirectory );
    	string virtualFilePath = Path.Combine( virtualDataDirectory, "NavMesh.dat" );

    	if( VirtualFile.Exists( virtualFilePath ) )
        byte[] data = VirtualFile.ReadAllBytes( virtualFilePath );
        	fixed( byte* pData = data )
            if( Wrapper.LoadNavMesh( recastWorld, (IntPtr)pData, data.Length ) )
            	Wrapper.NavQueryInit( recastWorld, pathfindingMaxNodes );

    	return true;

    protected override void OnSave( TextBlock block )
    	base.OnSave( block );

    	if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.SerializationMode == SerializationModes.MapSceneFile )
        Log.Warning( "Scene export: RecastNavigationSystem is not supported." );

    	string mapRealFileDirectory = VirtualFileSystem.GetRealPathByVirtual(
        Map.Instance.GetVirtualFileDirectory() );
    	string realFullDataDirectory = Path.Combine( mapRealFileDirectory, dataDirectory );

    	string realFilePath = Path.Combine( realFullDataDirectory, "NavMesh.dat" );

    	if( recastWorld != IntPtr.Zero )
        if( !Directory.Exists( realFullDataDirectory ) )
        	Directory.CreateDirectory( realFullDataDirectory );

        IntPtr data;
        int size;
        Wrapper.SaveNavMesh( recastWorld, out data, out size );

        if( data != IntPtr.Zero )
        	byte[] buffer = new byte[ size ];
        	Marshal.Copy( data, buffer, 0, size );

        	Wrapper.FreeMemory( data );

        	File.WriteAllBytes( realFilePath, buffer );
        if( File.Exists( realFilePath ) )
        	File.Delete( realFilePath );

    protected override void OnCreate()

    	string mapRealFileDirectory = VirtualFileSystem.GetRealPathByVirtual(
        Map.Instance.GetVirtualFileDirectory() );

    	for( int counter = 1; ; counter++ )
        dataDirectory = "RecastNavigationSystem";
        if( counter != 1 )
        	dataDirectory += counter.ToString();

        bool busy = false;
        foreach( RecastNavigationSystem system in Instances )
        	if( system != this && dataDirectory == system.dataDirectory )
            busy = true;
        if( !busy )
        	string realPath = Path.Combine( mapRealFileDirectory, dataDirectory );
        	if( !Directory.Exists( realPath ) )

    /// <summary>Overridden from <see cref="Engine.EntitySystem.Entity"/>.</summary>
    protected override void OnPostCreate( bool loaded )
    	if( !instances.Contains( this ) )
        instances.Add( this );

    	base.OnPostCreate( loaded );

    	//remove null geometry entries
    	if( loaded )
        for( int n = 0; n < geometries.Count; n++ )
        	if( geometries[ n ] == null )
            geometries.RemoveAt( n );
            goto again;

    /// <summary>Overridden from <see cref="Engine.EntitySystem.Entity"/>.</summary>
    protected override void OnDestroy()


    	instances.Remove( this );

    public void InitRecastWorld()

        Vec3 min = boundsMin;
        Vec3 max = boundsMax;
        for( int n = 0; n < 3; n++ )
        	if( max[ n ] - min[ n ] < 1 )
            max[ n ] = min[ n ] + 1;

        Vec3 recastBoundsMin = ToRecastVec3( min );
        Vec3 recastBoundsMax = ToRecastVec3( max );

        recastWorld = Wrapper.Initialize(
        	ref recastBoundsMin, ref recastBoundsMax,
        	tileSize, cellSize, cellHeight,
        	minRegionSize, mergeRegionSize, monotonePartitioning,
        	maxEdgeLength, maxEdgeError,
        	maxVerticesPerPolygon, detailSampleDistance, detailMaxSampleError,
        	agentHeight, agentRadius, agentMaxClimb, (float)agentMaxSlope );

        if( recastWorld != IntPtr.Zero )
        	Wrapper.NavQueryInit( recastWorld, pathfindingMaxNodes );

        //if( recastWorld != IntPtr.Zero )
        //Log.Info( "RecastWorld Initialized." );

        //int mT = 0, mPPT = 0;
        //Wrapper.GetSizes( recastWorld, out mT, out mPPT );
        //Log.Info( "MaxTiles: " + mT.ToString() + "  MaxPolygonsPerTile: " + mPPT.ToString() );

    [Browsable( false )]
    public bool IsInitialized
    	get { return recastWorld != IntPtr.Zero; }

    public void DestroyRecastWorld()
    	debugNavigationMeshVertices = null;
    	debugNavigationMeshIndices = null;

    	if( recastWorld != IntPtr.Zero )
        Wrapper.Destroy( recastWorld );
        recastWorld = IntPtr.Zero;

    public void DestroyAllTiles()
    	if( recastWorld == IntPtr.Zero )

    	Wrapper.DestroyAllTiles( recastWorld );

    	//refresh debug mesh
    	debugNavigationMeshVertices = null;
    	debugNavigationMeshIndices = null;

    public bool BuildAllTiles( out string error )
    	error = null;

    	if( recastWorld == IntPtr.Zero )
        error = "Need to initialize the Recast World.";
        return false;

    	if( geometries.Count == 0 )
        error = "No collision objects are selected.";
        return false;

    	IndexVertexBufferCollector collector = GetAllGeometriesForNavigationMesh();
        Vec3[] vertices = collector.resultVertices;
        int[] indices = collector.resultIndices;
        int vertexCount = collector.resultVertexCount;
        int indexCount = collector.resultIndexCount;

        if( vertexCount == 0 )
        	error = "No vertices were gathered from collision objects.";
        	return false;

        //convert to Recast space
        for( int n = 0; n < vertexCount; n++ )
        	vertices[ n ] = ToRecastVec3( vertices[ n ] );

        	fixed( Vec3* pVertices = vertices )
            fixed( int* pIndices = indices )
            	Wrapper.SetGeometry( recastWorld, (IntPtr)pVertices, vertexCount, (IntPtr)pIndices,
                indexCount, trianglesPerChunk );

            	Wrapper.BuildAllTiles( recastWorld );

    	//refresh debug mesh
    	debugNavigationMeshVertices = null;
    	debugNavigationMeshIndices = null;

    	return true;

    static bool IsAllowSaveRecursive( Entity entity )
    	while( entity != null )
        if( !entity.AllowSave )
        	return false;
        entity = entity.Parent;
    	return true;

    public bool IsSupportedGeometry( Entity entity )
    	if( !IsAllowSaveRecursive( entity ) )
        return false;

    	HeightmapTerrain terrain = entity as HeightmapTerrain;
    	if( terrain != null )
        return true;

    	StaticMesh staticMesh = entity as StaticMesh;
    	if( staticMesh != null )
        if( staticMesh.Collision )
        	return true;
        return false;

    	MapObject mapObject = entity as MapObject;
    	if( mapObject != null )
        foreach( MapObjectAttachedObject attachedObject in mapObject.AttachedObjects )
        	MapObjectAttachedMesh attachedMesh = attachedObject as MapObjectAttachedMesh;
        	if( attachedMesh != null && attachedMesh.Collision )
            return true;

    	return false;

    //IndexVertexBufferCollector GetGeometriesForNavigationMesh( Bounds bounds )
    //   IndexVertexBufferCollector collector = new IndexVertexBufferCollector();

    //   странный способ
    //   Map.Instance.GetObjects( new Box( bounds ), delegate( MapObject obj )
    //      {
    //         if( geometries.Contains( obj ) )
    //            AddEntityToCollector( collector, obj );
    //      } );

    //   //heightmapterrain не добавляется в выборку объема, это на самом деле хорошо, потому что теперь мы можем добавить только необходимую часть
    //   {
    //      //raycast does not hit terrain?!?
    //      /*
    //      Vec3 top = bounds.GetCenter();
    //      top.Z = boundsMax.Z;

    //      Vec3 bottom = bounds.GetCenter();
    //      bottom.Z = boundsMin.Z;

    //      RayCastResult[] results = PhysicsWorld.Instance.RayCastPiercing(new Ray(top, bottom), (int)ContactGroup.CastOnlyCollision);

    //      foreach (RayCastResult result in results)
    //      {
    //          HeightmapTerrain terrain = HeightmapTerrain.GetTerrainByBody( result.Shape.Body );
    //          if( terrain != null)
    //              if( geometries.Contains(terrain) )
    //                  AddHeightmapTerrainPartToCollector(collector, terrain, bounds); 
    //      }
    //      */

    //      //SodanKerjuu: стиль Lo-Tek, лучше надеяться, что у вас не более одного ландшафта
    //      foreach( HeightmapTerrain terrain in HeightmapTerrain.Instances )
    //         if( geometries.Contains( terrain ) )
    //            AddHeightmapTerrainPartToCollector( collector, terrain, bounds );
    //   }

    //   return collector;

    //void AddHeightmapTerrainPartToCollector( IndexVertexBufferCollector collector, HeightmapTerrain terrain, Bounds bounds )
    //   int size = terrain.GetHeightmapSizeAsInteger();

    //   Vec3[] vertices = new Vec3[ ( size + 1 ) * ( size + 1 ) ];
    //   int[] indices = new int[ size * size * 6 ];

    //   int vertexPosition = 0;
    //   int indexPosition = 0;

    //   for( int y = 0; y < size + 1; y++ )
    //   {
    //      for( int x = 0; x < size + 1; x++ )
    //      {
    //         если очень большое число дыр, то будет излишне?
    //         //SodanKerjuu: no need, you will have unused vertices, but they won't matter for Recast if they are not indexed
    //         //if( !terrain.GetHoleFlag( new Vec2i( x, y ) ) )
    //         //{
    //         Vec2 pos2 = terrain.GetPositionXY( new Vec2i( x, y ) );
    //         Vec3 pos = new Vec3( pos2.X, pos2.Y, terrain.GetHeight( new Vec2i( x, y ) ) );
    //         vertices[ vertexPosition ] = pos;
    //         vertexPosition++;
    //         //}
    //      }
    //   }

    //   for( int y = 0; y < size; y++ )
    //   {
    //      for( int x = 0; x < size; x++ )
    //      {
    //         if( !terrain.GetHoleFlag( new Vec2i( x, y ) ) )
    //         {
    //            indices[ indexPosition + 0 ] = ( size + 1 ) * y + x;
    //            indices[ indexPosition + 1 ] = ( size + 1 ) * y + x + 1;
    //            indices[ indexPosition + 2 ] = ( size + 1 ) * ( y + 1 ) + x + 1;
    //            indices[ indexPosition + 3 ] = ( size + 1 ) * ( y + 1 ) + x + 1;
    //            indices[ indexPosition + 4 ] = ( size + 1 ) * ( y + 1 ) + x;
    //            indices[ indexPosition + 5 ] = ( size + 1 ) * y + x;
    //            indexPosition += 6;
    //         }
    //      }
    //   }

    //   collector.Add( vertices, vertexPosition, indices, indexPosition );


    bool AddEntityToCollector( IndexVertexBufferCollector collector, Entity entity )
    	//Static meshes
    	StaticMesh staticMesh = entity as StaticMesh;
    	if( staticMesh != null )
        if( staticMesh.Collision == false )
        	return false;

        Mesh mesh;
        if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( staticMesh.CollisionSpecialMeshName ) )
        	mesh = MeshManager.Instance.Load( staticMesh.CollisionSpecialMeshName );
        	mesh = MeshManager.Instance.Load( staticMesh.MeshName );

        if( mesh == null )
        	return false;

        Mat4 transform = staticMesh.GetTransform();
        foreach( SubMesh subMesh in mesh.SubMeshes )
        	if( subMesh.AllowCollision )
            Vec3[] vertices;
            int[] indices;
            subMesh.GetSomeGeometry( out vertices, out indices );
            if( vertices != null )
            	for( int n = 0; n < vertices.Length; n++ )
                vertices[ n ] = transform * vertices[ n ];
            	collector.Add( vertices, vertices.Length, indices, indices.Length );
        return true;

    	MapObject mapObject = entity as MapObject;
    	if( mapObject != null && !( entity is StaticMesh ) ) //SodanKerjuu: static meshes qualify as both
        bool added = false;

        foreach( MapObjectAttachedObject attachedObject in mapObject.AttachedObjects )
        	MapObjectAttachedMesh attachedMesh = attachedObject as MapObjectAttachedMesh;
        	if( attachedMesh != null && attachedMesh.Collision )
            Mesh mesh;
            if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( attachedMesh.CollisionSpecialMeshName ) )
            	mesh = MeshManager.Instance.Load( attachedMesh.CollisionSpecialMeshName );
            	mesh = MeshManager.Instance.Load( attachedMesh.MeshName );

            if( mesh != null )
            	Vec3 pos;
            	Quat rot;
            	Vec3 scl;
            	attachedMesh.GetGlobalTransform( out pos, out rot, out scl );
            	Mat4 transform = new Mat4( rot.ToMat3() * Mat3.FromScale( scl ), pos );

            	foreach( SubMesh subMesh in mesh.SubMeshes )
                if( subMesh.AllowCollision )
                	Vec3[] vertices;
                	int[] indices;
                	subMesh.GetSomeGeometry( out vertices, out indices );
                	if( vertices != null )
                    for( int n = 0; n < vertices.Length; n++ )
                    	vertices[ n ] = transform * vertices[ n ];
                    collector.Add( vertices, vertices.Length, indices, indices.Length );
                    added = true;

        return added;

    	HeightmapTerrain terrain = entity as HeightmapTerrain;
    	if( terrain != null )
        int size = terrain.GetHeightmapSizeAsInteger();

        Vec3[] vertices = new Vec3[ ( size + 1 ) * ( size + 1 ) ];
        int[] indices = new int[ size * size * 6 ];

        int vertexPosition = 0;
        int indexPosition = 0;

        for( int y = 0; y < size + 1; y++ )
        	for( int x = 0; x < size + 1; x++ )
            //SodanKerjuu: no need, you will have unused vertices, but they won't matter for Recast if they are not indexed
            //if( !terrain.GetHoleFlag( new Vec2i( x, y ) ) )
            Vec2 pos2 = terrain.GetPositionXY( new Vec2I( x, y ) );
            Vec3 pos = new Vec3( pos2.X, pos2.Y, terrain.GetHeight( new Vec2I( x, y ) ) );
            vertices[ vertexPosition ] = pos;

        for( int y = 0; y < size; y++ )
        	for( int x = 0; x < size; x++ )
            if( !terrain.GetHoleFlag( new Vec2I( x, y ) ) )
            	indices[ indexPosition + 0 ] = ( size + 1 ) * y + x;
            	indices[ indexPosition + 1 ] = ( size + 1 ) * y + x + 1;
            	indices[ indexPosition + 2 ] = ( size + 1 ) * ( y + 1 ) + x + 1;
            	indices[ indexPosition + 3 ] = ( size + 1 ) * ( y + 1 ) + x + 1;
            	indices[ indexPosition + 4 ] = ( size + 1 ) * ( y + 1 ) + x;
            	indices[ indexPosition + 5 ] = ( size + 1 ) * y + x;
            	indexPosition += 6;

        collector.Add( vertices, vertexPosition, indices, indexPosition );
        return true;

    	return false;

    IndexVertexBufferCollector GetAllGeometriesForNavigationMesh()
    	IndexVertexBufferCollector collector = new IndexVertexBufferCollector();

    	foreach( Entity geometry in geometries )
        if( !geometry.Editor_IsExcludedFromWorld() )
        	AddEntityToCollector( collector, geometry );

    	return collector;

    public void AddAllGeometriesOnMap()
    	foreach( Entity entity in Entities.Instance.EntitiesCollection )
        if( IsSupportedGeometry( entity ) )
        	if( !Geometries.Contains( entity ) )
            AddGeometry( entity );

    Bounds GetGeometryBounds( Entity entity )
    	HeightmapTerrain terrain = entity as HeightmapTerrain;
    	if( terrain != null && terrain.Enabled )
        return terrain.CalculateBounds();

    	MapObject mapObject = entity as MapObject;
    	if( mapObject != null )
        return mapObject.MapBounds;

    	return Engine.MathEx.Bounds.Cleared;

    public void RecalculateBounds()
    	Bounds bounds = Bounds.Cleared;
    	foreach( Entity entity in Geometries )
        if( entity.Editor_IsExcludedFromWorld() )
        bounds.Add( GetGeometryBounds( entity ) );

    	if( bounds.IsCleared() )
        bounds = new Bounds( -10, -10, -10, 10, 10, 10 );

    	//needs to be whole number because decimals are rejected on the initialize toolbox
    	Vec3 padding = new Vec3( 1, 1, 1 );

    	BoundsMin = bounds.Minimum - padding;
    	BoundsMax = bounds.Maximum + padding;

    public bool FindPath( Vec3 start, Vec3 end, float stepSize, Vec3 polygonPickExtents, int maxPolygonPath,
    	int maxSmoothPath, int maxSteerPoints, out Vec3[] outPath )
        outPath = null;

        if( recastWorld == IntPtr.Zero )
        	return false;

        //convert to Recast space
        Vec3 recastStart = ToRecastVec3( start );
        Vec3 recastEnd = ToRecastVec3( end );
        Vec3 recastPolygonPickExtents =
        	new Vec3( polygonPickExtents.X, polygonPickExtents.Z, polygonPickExtents.Y );

        Vec3* pathPointer;
        int pathCount;
        bool result = Wrapper.FindPath( recastWorld, ref recastStart, ref recastEnd, stepSize,
        	ref recastPolygonPickExtents, maxPolygonPath, maxSmoothPath, maxSteerPoints,
        	out pathPointer, out pathCount );

        if( result )
        	if( pathCount > 0 )
            outPath = new Vec3[ pathCount ];
            for( int n = 0; n < pathCount; n++ )
            	outPath[ n ] = ToEngineVec3( pathPointer[ n ] );
            outPath = new Vec3[ 1 ];
            outPath[ 0 ] = start;

        	Wrapper.FreeMemory( (IntPtr)pathPointer );

        return result;

    //public Bounds GetCellBounds( Vec3 pos )
    //   float gridSize = tileSize * cellSize;
    //   float minX = boundsMin.X + ( (int)Math.Floor( ( pos.X - boundsMin.X ) / gridSize ) * gridSize );
    //   float minY = boundsMax.Y + ( (int)Math.Floor( ( pos.Y - boundsMax.Y ) / gridSize ) * gridSize );
    //   xx;
    //   //SodanKerjuu: mirrored Y because of Recast coordinate system

    //   return new Bounds( minX, minY, boundsMin.Z, minX + gridSize, minY + gridSize, boundsMax.Z );

    ////use this to manually set the geometry, used with BuildTileCached to speed things up
    //public void AssignGeometry( Bounds bounds )
    //   if( recastWorld == IntPtr.Zero )
    //      return;

    //   IndexVertexBufferCollector collector = GetGeometriesForNavigationMesh( bounds );

    //   if( collector.resultVertexCount > 0 )
    //   {
    //      Vec3[] vertices = collector.resultVertices;
    //      int[] indices = collector.resultIndices;
    //      int vertexCount = collector.resultVertexCount;
    //      int indexCount = collector.resultIndexCount;

    //      //convert to Recast space
    //      for( int n = 0; n < vertexCount; n++ )
    //         vertices[ n ] = ToRecastVec3( vertices[ n ] );

    //      unsafe
    //      {
    //         fixed( Vec3* pVertices = vertices )
    //         fixed( int* pIndices = indices )
    //            Wrapper.SetGeometry( recastWorld, (IntPtr)pVertices, vertexCount, (IntPtr)pIndices, indexCount );
    //      }
    //   }

    ////this will use the previously assigned geometry instead of getting new one
    //public void BuildTileCached( Vec3 position )
    //   if( recastWorld == IntPtr.Zero )
    //      return;

    //   Vec3 targetPosition = ToRecastVec3( position );
    //   Wrapper.BuildTile( recastWorld, ref targetPosition );

    //   //redraw debug mesh
    //   debugNavigationMeshVertices = null;
    //   debugNavigationMeshIndices = null;

    //public void BuildTile( Vec3 position )
    //   if( recastWorld == IntPtr.Zero )
    //      return;

    //   Bounds selectionBounds = GetCellBounds( position );

    //   IndexVertexBufferCollector collector = GetGeometriesForNavigationMesh( selectionBounds );
    //   if( collector.resultVertexCount > 0 )
    //   {
    //      Vec3[] vertices = collector.resultVertices;
    //      int[] indices = collector.resultIndices;
    //      int vertexCount = collector.resultVertexCount;
    //      int indexCount = collector.resultIndexCount;

    //      //convert to Recast space
    //      for( int n = 0; n < vertexCount; n++ )
    //         vertices[ n ] = ToRecastVec3( vertices[ n ] );

    //      unsafe
    //      {
    //         Log.Info( "SetGeometry: Vertices: {0}, Indices {1}", vertexCount, indexCount );

    //         fixed( Vec3* pVertices = vertices )
    //         fixed( int* pIndices = indices )
    //         {
    //            Wrapper.SetGeometry( recastWorld, (IntPtr)pVertices, vertexCount, (IntPtr)pIndices, indexCount );
    //            Vec3 targetPosition = ToRecastVec3( position );
    //            Wrapper.BuildTile( recastWorld, ref targetPosition );

    //            //redraw debug mesh
    //            debugNavigationMeshVertices = null;
    //            debugNavigationMeshIndices = null;
    //         }
    //      }
    //   }

    //public void RemoveTile( Vec3 position )
    //   if( recastWorld == IntPtr.Zero )
    //      return;

    //   Vec3 targetPosition = ToRecastVec3( position );
    //   Wrapper.RemoveTile( recastWorld, ref targetPosition );

    //   debugNavigationMeshVertices = null;
    //   debugNavigationMeshIndices = null;

    protected override void OnDeleteSubscribedToDeletionEvent( Entity entity )
    	base.OnDeleteSubscribedToDeletionEvent( entity );

    	if( Geometries.Contains( entity ) )
        RemoveGeometry( entity );

    protected override void OnRender( Camera camera )
    	base.OnRender( camera );

    	if( camera.Purpose == Camera.Purposes.MainCamera )
        //if( drawTileGrid )
        //   DebugRenderTileGrid( camera );

        bool drawMapEditor = false;
        if( MapEditorInterface.Instance != null )
        	//bool allow
            bool v = (bool)MapEditorInterface.Instance.SendCustomMessage( this, "IsAllowToRenderNavigationMesh", null );
            if( v )
            	drawMapEditor = true;
        	catch { }

        if( alwaysDrawNavMesh || drawMapEditor )
        	DebugDrawNavMesh( camera );

        //draw global bounds
        bool mapEditorIsSelected = MapEditorInterface.Instance != null &&
        	MapEditorInterface.Instance.IsEntitySelected( this );
        if( mapEditorIsSelected )
        	camera.DebugGeometry.Color = new ColorValue( 0, 0, 1 );
        	Bounds bounds = new Bounds( boundsMin, boundsMax );
        	camera.DebugGeometry.AddBounds( bounds );

        //bool mapEditorIsSelected = false;
        //if( MapEditorInterface.Instance != null && MapEditorInterface.Instance.IsEntitySelected( this ) )
        //   mapEditorIsSelected = true;

        //if( alwaysDrawNavMesh || mapEditorIsSelected )
        //   DebugDrawNavMesh( camera );

        ////draw global bounds
        //if( mapEditorIsSelected )
        //   camera.DebugGeometry.Color = new ColorValue( 0, 0, 1 );

        //   Bounds bounds = new Bounds( boundsMin, boundsMax );
        //   camera.DebugGeometry.AddBounds( bounds );

    public void DebugDrawNavMesh( Camera camera )
    	if( recastWorld == IntPtr.Zero )

    	if( debugNavigationMeshVertices == null )
        if( !GetDebugNavigationMeshGeometry( out debugNavigationMeshVertices ) )

        debugNavigationMeshIndices = new int[ debugNavigationMeshVertices.Length ];
        for( int n = 0; n < debugNavigationMeshIndices.Length; n++ )
        	debugNavigationMeshIndices[ n ] = n;

    	//Render NavMesh
        Mat4 transform = new Mat4( Mat3.Identity, new Vec3( 0, 0, .1f ) );

        //draw without depth test
        	camera.DebugGeometry.SetSpecialDepthSettings( false, false );

        	camera.DebugGeometry.Color = new ColorValue( 0, 1, 0, .1f );
        	camera.DebugGeometry.AddVertexIndexBuffer( debugNavigationMeshVertices,
            debugNavigationMeshIndices, transform, false, true );

        	camera.DebugGeometry.Color = new ColorValue( 1, 1, 0, .1f );
        	camera.DebugGeometry.AddVertexIndexBuffer( debugNavigationMeshVertices,
            debugNavigationMeshIndices, transform, true, true );


        //draw with depth test
        	camera.DebugGeometry.Color = new ColorValue( 0, 1, 0, .3f );
        	camera.DebugGeometry.AddVertexIndexBuffer( debugNavigationMeshVertices,
            debugNavigationMeshIndices, transform, false, true );
        	camera.DebugGeometry.Color = new ColorValue( 1, 1, 0, .3f );
        	camera.DebugGeometry.AddVertexIndexBuffer( debugNavigationMeshVertices,
            debugNavigationMeshIndices, transform, true, true );

    //void DebugRenderTileGrid( Camera camera )
    //   //make a tile grid
    //   {
    //      if( tileGridMeshVertices == null )
    //         CreateTileGridMesh( out tileGridMeshVertices, out tileGridMeshIndices, false );

    //      camera.DebugGeometry.Color = new ColorValue( 0f, 1f, 0f, .3f );
    //      camera.DebugGeometry.AddVertexIndexBuffer( tileGridMeshVertices, tileGridMeshIndices,
    //         Mat4.Identity, true, false );
    //   }

    //   //make a cell grid
    //   {
    //      if( cellGridMeshVertices == null )
    //         CreateTileGridMesh( out cellGridMeshVertices, out cellGridMeshIndices, true );

    //      camera.DebugGeometry.Color = new ColorValue( 1f, 0f, 0f, .3f );
    //      camera.DebugGeometry.AddVertexIndexBuffer( cellGridMeshVertices, cellGridMeshIndices,
    //         Mat4.Identity, true, false );
    //   }

    //   //add the bounds
    //   {
    //      camera.DebugGeometry.Color = new ColorValue( 0f, 1f, 1f, .6f );
    //      camera.DebugGeometry.AddBounds( new Bounds( boundsMin, boundsMax ) );
    //   }

    //void CreateTileGridMesh( out Vec3[] vertices, out int[] indices, bool cellSplit )
    //   int size;
    //   if( cellSplit )
    //      size = 128;
    //   else
    //      size = 64;

    //   vertices = new Vec3[ ( size + 1 ) * ( size + 1 ) ];
    //   {
    //      int vertexPosition = 0;
    //      for( int y = 0; y < size + 1; y++ )
    //      {
    //         for( int x = 0; x < size + 1; x++ )
    //         {
    //            xx;
    //            //SodanKerjuu: mirrored Y because of Recast coordinate system
    //            if( cellSplit )
    //            {
    //               vertices[ vertexPosition ] = new Vec3(
    //                  boundsMin.X + x * tileSize * cellSize,
    //                  boundsMax.Y - y * tileSize * cellSize,
    //                  boundsMin.Z + gridHeight * ( boundsMax.Z - boundsMin.Z ) );
    //            }
    //            else
    //            {
    //               vertices[ vertexPosition ] = new Vec3(
    //                  boundsMin.X + x * tileSize,
    //                  boundsMax.Y - y * tileSize,
    //                  boundsMin.Z + gridHeight * ( boundsMax.Z - boundsMin.Z ) );
    //            }
    //            vertexPosition++;
    //         }
    //      }
    //   }

    //   indices = new int[ size * size * 6 ];
    //   {
    //      int indexPosition = 0;
    //      for( int y = 0; y < size; y++ )
    //      {
    //         for( int x = 0; x < size; x++ )
    //         {
    //            indices[ indexPosition + 0 ] = ( size + 1 ) * y + x;
    //            indices[ indexPosition + 1 ] = ( size + 1 ) * y + x + 1;
    //            indices[ indexPosition + 2 ] = ( size + 1 ) * ( y + 1 ) + x + 1;
    //            indices[ indexPosition + 3 ] = ( size + 1 ) * ( y + 1 ) + x + 1;
    //            indices[ indexPosition + 4 ] = ( size + 1 ) * ( y + 1 ) + x;
    //            indices[ indexPosition + 5 ] = ( size + 1 ) * y + x;
    //            indexPosition += 6;
    //         }
    //      }
    //   }

    public bool GetDebugNavigationMeshGeometry( out Vec3[] vertices )
    	vertices = null;

    	if( recastWorld == IntPtr.Zero )
        return false;

        Vec3* nativeVertices;
        int vertexCount;
        if( !Wrapper.GetNavigationMesh( recastWorld, out nativeVertices, out vertexCount ) )
        	return false;

        vertices = new Vec3[ vertexCount ];
        for( int n = 0; n < vertices.Length; n++ )
        	vertices[ n ] = ToEngineVec3( nativeVertices[ n ] );

        Wrapper.FreeMemory( (IntPtr)nativeVertices );

    	return true;

    public void AddGeometry( Entity entity )
    	if( geometries.Contains( entity ) )
        Log.Fatal( "RecastNavigationSystem: AddGeometry: This entity is already added." );

    	geometries.Add( entity );
    	SubscribeToDeletionEvent( entity );

    public void RemoveGeometry( Entity entity )
    	if( !geometries.Contains( entity ) )

    	UnsubscribeToDeletionEvent( entity );
    	geometries.Remove( entity );

    public void RemoveAllGeometries()
    	while( geometries.Count != 0 )
        RemoveGeometry( geometries[ geometries.Count - 1 ] );